If you are Doing Business in Italy – Heads up!
The Italian Tax Authorities are implementing substantial and costly changes early 2025 for non-EU companies that are registered for the purpose of shipping goods to and from Italy to other EU countries. It is applicable to new registrations as well as the ones that are already in place.
They are enforcing stricter requirements for the required fiscal representative aimed at combating VAT fraud. Failure to comply will result in losing their Italian VAT number for the represented entities.
As before, fiscal representatation is required for the non-EU company that needs to register for VAT in Italy. Among the added requirements for the fiscal representatives, is that they must now provide a substantial guarantee, valid for 48 months. The amount can vary from EUR 30,000 to EUR 2 million, depending on how many non-EU companies they represent.
In addition, the non-EU company must provide a bank guarantee of at least EUR 50,000, valid for 36 months.
The new regulation will be issued within 120 days (of 2025 so we are guessing roughly around end of April). Let’s start preparing your alternative options and/or documents today. Call us today to find out more and discuss your business with Italy.
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